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School Board Member's Pledge

The School Board Member’s Pledge


I solemnly pledge to continue the proud tradition of our schools, fully understanding and appreciating that the education of young people in this nation has been directed and governed for more than a century by citizens serving on the board of education.

I acknowledge the right of every person to have the opportunity to receive an appropriate, quality education.

I will carry out my responsibilities with conscience and dignity and will place the welfare of students first in my work as a school board member and as a citizen of the community.

I will be an advocate for education, devoting the time and effort necessary to become informed and knowledgeable about the education of students.

I will work to help others to understand the importance of education and the necessity for our community, state, and nation to have quality schools for all people.

I will honor the position of parents and uphold the public trust with which I am charged.

I will strive to achieve excellence in our schools, giving educators the respect and gratitude that is their due.

I will seek change and improvement that is based upon research and the proven practices of time.

I will exhibit pride in our schools and will endeavor to help other to feel a like sense of pride in what our schools have accomplished in the past and to understand what schools are capable of achieving in the future.

I will exercise my responsibility to be a good steward for education, seeking efficient and worthwhile use of the human and financial resources available to our schools.

I will conduct myself as a member of the board of education in a manner that will serve as a personal and public model of appropriate behavior and democratic governance.

I will not permit my personal biases and opinions to interfere with teaching and learning nor allow considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics, or social standing to intervene between my duty and my actions.

I will maintain utmost respect for human dignity and values, and I will hold human caring and considerations as the fundamental value in the student-educator-board-citizen relationship.

I make this promise solemnly and freely for as long as I serve as a member of the board of education.